Secondhand sets can be hard to find, and even if you do find one on ebay it's possible that you might need to spend another few hundred pounds to get it to play effectively. If you don't play but are keen to learn, you need to know that your instrument works properly. I refurbish secondhand sets so that they are playing at their very best.
Sets are often sold as soon as I have them, so contact me to find out if I have any ready by emailing me at
If you have a set lying unused and you'd love to pass it on to someone who's keen and eager to play, let me know. I will often be able to refurbish sets even if they aren't working and pass them on to one of the many people who contact me looking for a secondhand set.
If you'd like me to find a new home for your unused set please email me. Please include as much information about your set as possible, and some photos would be very useful too. My email address is
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